Special Offer! - £55
While stocks last the following four products are now available worldwide in a combined package for just £55 including postage! (Normally the combined price would be £100)
The Panther Project Vol 1: Drivetrain and Hull - (Book)
96 page photostudy of the initial stages of the restoration of a Panther at the Wheatcroft Collection. This volume is primarily concerned with an examination of the interior of the hull, suspension elements, gear train and drive components, completed parts awaiting installation, and some about to undergo restoration. Also included is a reasonably complete history of this vehicle as we know of
it to this date.

Panther turret and hull CD - Manuals D 655/1b
348 pages, Original German texts
77 Original turret diagrams and photos
Full colour copy of D655/1b
34 pages of all new Isometric views
of the Turret and Hull components.

Tiger combined CD comprising of:
CD1 -Tiger E and Command Tiger Turret Equipment & Operating Instructions D656/22. Copies of both the original German and English translations are included. New content includes 132 new images of Tigers at Bovington and Kubinka museums, and 79 exclusive new isometric illustrations of Turret and Hull components.
CD2 - Tiger Manual D 656/21 - covers equipment and operating instructions of the chassis. There are 198 pages with 57 photographs and 19 schematic drawings.
CD3 - Service manual D 656/30 for the Maybach 230 P45 Engine and Gearbox. There are 157 pages with 217 photographs. Each Photograph is fully described. There are also 5 schematic drawings.

The Panther Project DVD
380+ Archive Images
Recent photo studies
Quicktime 360 degree VR interior panoramas
Accurate drawings of all Panther
variants printable in four scales
Camouflage schemes
Unit emblems
Tactical Markings
Unit Histories
Campaign maps
Current restoration projects
Manufacturing details
Model Ranges
Development vehicles
Video clips
Interactive timelimes showing
factory and field modification dates.

The Panther Project Vol 1: Drivetrain and Hull - (Book) - £20
96 page photostudy of the initial stages of the restoration of a Panther at the Wheatcroft Collection. This volume is primarily concerned with an examination of the interior of the hull, suspension elements, gear train and drive components, completed parts awaiting installation, and some about to undergo restoration. Also included is a reasonably complete history of this vehicle as we know of it to this date.

The Panther Project DVD - £25
- 380+ Archive Images,
- Recent photo studies
- Quicktime 360 degree VR interior panoramas,
- Accurate drawings of all Panther variants printable in four scales
- Camouflage schemes,
- Unit emblems,
- Tactical Markings,
- Unit Histories,
- Campaign maps,
- Current restoration projects,
- Manufacturing details,
- Model Ranges Development vehicles,
- Video clips, and
- interactive timelimes showing factory and field modification dates.

Tiger combined CD - £35
comprising of:
CD1 -Tiger E and Command Tiger Turret Equipment & Operating Instructions D656/22. Copies of both the original German and English translations are included. New content includes 132 new images of Tigers at Bovington and Kubinka museums, and 79 exclusive new isometric illustrations of Turret and Hull components.
CD2 - Tiger Manual D 656/21 - covers equipment and operating instructions of the chassis. There are 198 pages with 57 photographs and 19 schematic drawings.
CD3 - Service manual D 656/30 for the Maybach 230 P45 Engine and Gearbox. There are 157 pages with 217 photographs. Each Photograph is fully described. There are also 5 schematic drawings.

Panther turret and hull CD - £25
- Manuals D 655/1b
348 pages, Original German texts
77 Original turret diagrams and photos
Full colour copy of D655/1b
34 pages of all new Isometric views
of the Turret and Hull components.